I Will Be Speaking at the A Healthy U Event May 10th

Please come and join me on May 10th at the "A Healthy U" conference in New York!   I will be participating in this amazing event being put on by bloggers Schnelle Acevedo from brooklynactivemama.com, Cassandre Charles from www.losinginthecity.com and Kimberly Whittaker of www.manifestyourself.com.  Get ready for a one day event that will feature a morning/afternoon of health, fitness, empowerment and most importantly fun!

Held at Studio Anya in NYC the event will feature a series of health and nutrition workshops as well as two high-energy workouts and a health inspired networking lunch. Take a look at the preliminary agenda below:

  • 8:30AM: Registration and Networking Breakfast
  • 9:00AM: Welcome and Morning Stretch  
  • 9:30AM: Healthy Eating Panel Discussion
  • 10:30AM:  Healthy Snack Break
  • 10:45AM: Mind, Body, Soul Wellness Session
  • 11:45AM: Healthy Snack Break
  • 12:00PM:  Workout Sessions
  • 1:00PM:  Lunch

To grab your tickets visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-healthy-u-conference-tickets-10885864915


Training minds and changing bodies!

Let's get social: Find me on Twitter and Facebook @NadiaMurdockFit 

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