How to Stay Connected to Yourself in a Virtual Fitness World


In times like these, when we're homebound and closed off from the world (and our gyms), it can be difficult to find both motivation and the mental capacity to stay active. Fortunately, the rise of the 'virtual fitness world' is connecting people with fitness through various means of technology and content, including equipment, apps, websites, or a combination of these elements. While this new wave of fitness allows us to adhere to our workouts and wellness goals, it can be challenging to recreate the organic connection between our mind and body that we would typically otherwise achieve. If you're about to step foot into the virtual fitness realm, here are a few key things to help get you in a healthy mindset before getting started:

Set clear goals

A large part of the reason the virtual fitness world can be so overwhelming is because of the sheer number of tools and information available. If you’re not sure where to get started, try setting goals for what exactly you want to accomplish and determine from there which types of resources would be best for you. A few of these goals could be to build muscle, lose weight, increase heart health, or combat stress during this difficult time. Not only will goals guide you in finding the best options and resources for you, but establishing goals also provides “extra incentive to keep going when motivation wanes,” making the virtual fitness process much easier. While we’re stuck at home, it can be easy to lose sight of the mind-body connection that helps us stay healthy, both physically and mentally. If we’re able to take a step back to discover what we need to work toward and actively set goals, that balance will be easier to keep in check.


Find what moves you

Once you decide what goal you want to achieve, you can start exploring the different methods that will help get you where you want to be. From pre-recorded workout videos, weight management apps, virtual training sessions, guided meditations, there are a variety of different methods to try and approaches to take. But while there is much excitement to be found when experimenting with new technology and fitness, there are still going to be hurdles to overcome, just as there would be in a studio or gym setting. We are still susceptible to challenges like not seeing results we had hoped for or finding the motivation to get up and get moving while at home. The key to breaking down these barriers is to change how you view fitness by approaching it from a holistic perspective. Remind yourself why fitness is important to your overall well-being. Maybe you want to sleep better, have more energy to play with your kids, or simply be more confident. Your list can be as long as you’d like it to be as long as it propels you in a positive direction. After all, a healthy mentality can lead to a healthier you. For that extra push, discover how improving your self-talk can improve your fitness mentality and experience. If you still find it hard to self-motivate yourself, a little assistance might be just what you need. Don’t be afraid to look into working with a lifestyle coach for that little extra boost of motivation to keep you going.

Track your progress

Once you’ve started your journey to finding mental and physical health, you’ll want to track your progress to know what’s working and what might not be working for you. This is critical for staying motivated as well because the newness of a workout or healthy eating plan can wear off quickly and leave you right back where you started. Luckily, a lot of apps make it very easy to track your progress and provide tips for how to alter your plan once you’ve tracked a few weeks as well. An educational weight loss program can be just what you need to make sure you’re eating the right amount and proper nutrients, especially while living a different lifestyle than before. If you’re finding that you’re not hitting your goals, or just looking for ways to stay driven, set up a weekly challenge for yourself. Challenge yourself to a goal like eating more protein than the week before, for example, and use your food tracking data to see how you do!

Once you’re in a healthy routine, your brain and body will definitely thank you! And if you’re looking for more tips on working out alone or how to stay mindful during this time, check out our blog!

Make sure to follow me on IG @NadiaMurdock

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