Hotel48 LEX Provides a Wellness Experience When You Are Away From Home

A residential-style luxury hotel, Hotel 48LEX kicked off the new year, expanding their wellness offerings in 2017. The new package includes passes to a local CrossFit-style gym and fresh-pressed juices from their in-house brassiere Lexington Brass . The stay also includes weekly Vinyasa yoga sessions in their private second-floor lounge - Hotel 48LEX is offering guests everything they need to get and stay in shape during their stay the winter months.


During my hotel stay I had the opportunity to interview the hotel General Manager, Jonathon Goldberg to learn more about their wellness initiative and why it was important to Hotel48Lex to offer this to guests.

NMF: I love your guests first approach, what encouraged you to infuse a health and wellness plan into the offerings at 48 Lex? 

Jonathon Goldberg (JG): Our guests are our absolute first priority, most of them are frequent travelers that find it difficult to hold onto a routine - especially one surrounding wellness.  We wanted to make it easier them to stay on track with these tailored fitness partnerships and healthy options.

NMF: So many people forsake their workouts while traveling, in addition to the 24 Hour fitness facility what are a few additional ways guests can squeeze in a workout?  

JG: We have partnered with Heidi Okada to offer our guest complimentary yoga on Saturdays so they can take advantage before hitting the city, she is also available for private classes.  In addition, we have partnered up with Brick Fitness on 46th and Lexington who offer a variety of fitness options, where our guests can take classes (like CrossFit) or use their extensive facilities to practice their own routines with equipment we may not have on property. 

NMF: How have guests responded to the new offerings?

JG: They are very positive and receptive to it! We have had a lot of participation and positive reception so we are sure to continue these types of offerings. 

NMF: What are some other ways you hope to include health and wellness at 48 Lex in the future?  

JG: We are continuing to look at new options that would include rooftop yoga in the spring and summer months after work.  We are also looking into creating a running map that guests can download into their smartphones and use in our surrounding areas. 

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