Give Pink Get More: Yoga for a Cause

On October 8th, Bloomingdale's at the Short Hills mall opened their doors to welcome a few devoted yogis for an hour long yoga session with POE yoga. All the proceeds from the morning session went to the Marisa Acocella Marchetto Foundation and The Carey Foundation

Guests walked away with goodies from Sweaty Betty, Just Water, Bare Chips and Zeel at home massage service. As they worked up a sweat on their pink Bloomingdale's yoga mats they mixed and mingled discussing all things health and wellness. 

You can help give back when you shop this month! When you join the Give Pink, Get More campaign your enrollment fee of $15 goes directly towards cancer research and to help support awareness.  To learn more about you how you can give back at your local Bloomingdale's click here!

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