Get Inspired: Lift Life Foundation

A special project was presented by a high school student (Jared Anderson) that was chosen by the Make-A-Wish Foundation. As a young 17 year old fighting cancer he was granted a wish by the foundation. Instead of asking for a trip to Disneyland or to meet his favorite hero, the he wished for his high school weight-room  to be improved.  By Jared paying it forward he helped his school and fellow student body to have a safer and up to date place to train. 

Being diagnosed with cancer at such a young age the school principal and doctors  were overwhelmed that he  only cared about helping his community.  The Lift Life Foundation and Make-A-Wish Foundation helped to make Jared's wish come true!  Watch this clip to learn more about the $100,000 make over!

Lift Lift Firth Grand Opening005.jpg

After battling cancer for a year Jared is in now in remission! Watching the video below brought tears to my eyes, I hope this story inspires you as much as it inspired me. 

For more information on the Lift Life Foundation visit:

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