Taryn Hemmings Co-founder of Sweat Cosmetics Interview

Sweat Cosmetics are sweat-resistant, all-natural, hypoallergenic & cruelty-free cosmetics with SPF protection. Being as active as I am, I love the idea of having full coverage without clogging my pores. Did I mention that this company is all female? Each member of Sweat Cosmetics has a unique story from professional athletes to moms, they know what works for a woman on the go. Continue reading my interview with Taryn Hemmings the Co-foundder and COO of Sweat Cosmetics. 


NMFIT: Has fitness always been a major part of your life or was there a catalyst/point in your life when you made it more of a focus and priority? 

Taryn Hemmings (TH): I wouldn't say fitness necessarily but sports. Growing up I was not playing some sport. So fitness was just a part of those and not something I ever really had to focus on, I was naturally really active through those. I would say after I retired from soccer though, fitness became a huge focus for me but I had to learn how to how to make it work without a team and without a coach telling me what to do. 

NMFIT: What are a few of your go-to healthy snacks/drinks that help keep you on the straight and narrow? 

TH: I've started drinking hot water with lemon first thing every morning. I've never been a big breakfast eater, and as weird as it sounds- it actually has been helping get me out of bed in the morning. I just feel better, and also like I have more energy right away.

The concept of Sweat is genius, why was it important to you to include natural ingredients? When we were creating the products for Sweat we were really thinking about what an athletes skin was like. We knew that our skin was already going through a lot from sweat, sun and not always being able to shower/wash our faces- so it was really important that we used ingredients that weren't going to make any of that worse and were as close to what the skin naturally produces as possible. 

NMFIT: How do you change your body?  What are your fitness favorites? 

TH: I feel like my body is in major regen mode right now- trying to catch up and repair itself from so many years of playing- so I've been really into workouts that are easy on the joints and slower moving. I'm pretty obsessed with pilates right now and really like to do yoga on my own from an app on my phone.

For more information on Sweat Cosmetics click here!

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