Fitness Files: Summer Sanders

Summer Sanders has six individual NCAA titles and four relay championships! You might remember her 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona, Sanders emerged as the most decorated U.S. swimmer, winning four medals – two gold, a silver, and a bronze.  Following retirement from swimming, Sanders pursued a career in television where she hosted several shows and acted as a correspondent for well-known programs like the Today Show, Olympic games coverage and The Sports List just to name a few.

Among all her accomplishments she is also a fit and busy mom. I had to interview Summer for my Fitness Files to see how she balances it all! Continue reading my interview below to get an inside look on how she trains her mind and body. 

NMF: Has fitness always been a major part of your life or was there a catalyst/point in your life when you made it more of a focus and priority? 

SS: I have been active with a purpose since I was 4 years old. I joined a year-round swim team when I was 7 and, really, never relooked back. That is why I have such a close relationship with my towels. I swam in college and into the 1992 Olympic Games winning 2 gold, a silver, and a bronze in swimming. 

NMF: What are a few of your go-to healthy snacks/drinks that help keep you on the straight and narrow?

SS: WATER WATER and MORE WATER! Start out every meal with water and serve it up the way you like...cold or tap! I always have snacks in my purse from the airplane, and sometimes on purpose from my house. I love the nut, dried fruit mixture. I also dive into my son's stash of string cheese. For me, my snack has to pack a punch...I need protein, carbs and fiber.

NMF: How do you train your mind and stay motivated?

SS: This is a tough one. I love my sleep and, if you ask my workout buddies they will tell you that I am dedicated to morning sleep. So I am not up before 7 unless I am on the road. So the key to that is knowing your limits so that you are not constantly faced with possible failure. I also love the motivation of accountability, through meeting friends and signing up for a race. Put things on your schedule so that you stick to it.

NMF: How do you change your body?  What are your fitness favorites?

SS: For me, it is about changing, it's about staying balanced, healthy and strong. In other words, I can't run every day...I need to strength train and focus on the stabilizing muscles so that I don't get injured. I love superman back exercises and side leg raises and specific lunges that are geared toward my lower glutes. And a workout is so much better when I have my Laguna Blue towel by my side. Healthy has many layers!

For more information on Summer Sanders click here.

For more info on Laguna Blue click here

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