Fitness Files: Ronald and Galina Denzel

Galina and Roland Denzel are International wellness coaches and authors of The Real Food Reset and founders of  Throughout the years they have helped many achieve healthier, happier, vibrant living through simple solutions based on small changes to diet, movement, and other physiological things like sleep.

Their book Eat Well, Move Well, Live Well features interviews with wise and relatable experts, alongside Galina and Roland's personal anecdotes. The authors have extensive insight into habit-changing and human behavior gleaned from their collective experience working with the masses.


Continue reading to learn more about this dynamic duo and how they are changing the lives of their clients every day!

From Roland Denzel:

NMF: Has fitness always been a major part of your life or was there a catalyst/point in your life when you made it more of a focus and priority?

Nope. I grew up pretty sedentary. I had a bike, but never played sports much. I read a lot and played Dungeons and Dragons. When I was thirty-five I realized that I was setting a bad example for my kids, and my huffing and puffing meant I was unhealthy. I wanted to be around for them and not get sick like so many people do these days.

I started out with running and counting calories, but I had decided early on that if I found something was no longer working or I no longer liked it, to find another method rather than just stop. I had vowed never to stop again, because starting again is the hardest part.

NMF: What are a few of your go-to healthy snacks/drinks that help keep you on the straight and narrow?

I don't like to snack, but I keep jerky or beef sticks in my computer bag in case I'm so hungry I can't wait for the next meal. I've tried bags of nuts, protein bars, and even fruit, but they do nothing to tide me over, and actually make my cravings worse. Jerky and meat sticks are the only things that take the edge off and can tide me over.

NMF: At Nadia Murdock Fit our motto is “Train Your Mind, Change Your Body” so we must ask: How do you train your mind and stay motivated?

I'm always learning. My best friend and I like similar, but different things. We read, then share with each other. I often end up reading some of the books she's most passionate about and vice versa. My best friend is my wife, Galina, by the way.

I also have friends in the fitness and health communities with different points of view, but the willingness to discuss things while keeping an open mind. If you're only talking to those who agree with you, you're not training your mind, much less giving yourself permission to change it.

I also love writing and teaching. In order to get my message across, I have to put myself in my reader's shoes, talk to them, and learn what motivates them the most.

NMF: How do you change your body?  What are your fitness favorites?

Walking is #1 for health. When I first got into fitness, walking was underrated. In fact, many trainers mocked other trainers for believing walking did much of anything. It didn’t burn many calories, was the argument. While that’s true, we now find that walking is a basic need that has little or nothing to do with burning calories. Walking is a whole body exercise that improves circulation of blood and lymph fluid, and improves insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control. It also provides gentle but significant impact to the whole body, which I believe helps to maintain bone density and lean body mass as we age.

Weights are #2. I believe that we are meant to be strong. Not Supergirl strong, but strong enough to do hard and heavy work around the house or the job. Modern life has made life physically easy for many of us, me included, but I feel better, and better about myself, when I lift weights a couple of times per week.

Sleep is #3. It’s actually #1, but no one wants to hear that. We are chronically sleep deprived, but we want to blame everything else for our cravings, hunger, and fatigue. Be sure you’re getting enough sleep before the do anything else, even walking.

And from Galina:

NMF: Has fitness always been a major part of your life or was there a catalyst/point in your life when you made it more of a focus and priority? 

I grew up trained in the art of classical ballet. I stopped dancing in my late teens after a long stretch of illness that set me on a path of searching for health through movement and nutrition. That path has shaped me ever since.

NMF: What are a few of your go-to healthy snacks/drinks that help keep you on the straight and narrow?

Being from Bulgaria, I have to say plain cultured yogurt is my favorite go to snack. Add some soaked nuts, fresh fruits and veggies, and homemade beef jerky - and you have a winning combo. As far as drinks, I love green tea and properly prepared coffee, and sparkling water infused with herbs. 

NMF: At Nadia Murdock Fit our motto is “Train Your Mind, Change Your Body” so we must ask: How do you train your mind and stay motivated? 

I have a very strong sense of purpose in life. I see all humans as interconnected and interdependent. I see my health as a part of everyone's health. I have a daily practice of sitting meditation, prayer, and journaling. When I bring kindness, gratitude and patience to myself and those around me, taking care of myself is easy.  

NMF: How do you change your body?  What are your fitness favorites?

I love anything that includes using my body weight - pull ups, handstands, push-ups, bodyweight squats, and lunges, as well as sprinting. There is something wonderful in moving your body in this way. I feel empowered by bodyweight exercises.

I am also really committed to all day movement - spending as much if my day not being sedentary. That includes walking instead of driving, carrying my groceries long distance, using a stand-up desk, not owning a couch and sitting on the floor to eat and having walking meetings with my husband and writing partner. I also make the best out of my travels - I swim, stand up paddle, hike and climb wherever I go.    

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