Fitness Files: Dr. Liz Welch

Dr. Liz Welch is the founder and CEO of the PostureFit bar a company that teaches people how to get strong and fit in their best posture.  With nearly three decades of healthcare experience, Dr. Welch empowers her audience to get moving on their health goals.  

The bar comes in three different weight selections: 6lbs, 9lbs and 12lbs, I went with 9lbs and I have been loving it!  Inside the package came a DVD and two posters that include various total body workouts you can do daily with the PostureFit bar.  Continue reading to learn more about Liz and the bar!


NMF: Has fitness always been a major part of your life or was there a catalyst/point in your life when you made it more of a focus and priority?

Liz Welch (LW): As a Chiropractor for nearly three decades, fitness in general has always been part of my lifestyle practice.  Probably not as focused as it is now though.  In my mid fifties I know cardio and strength training are absolutely necessary but what's even more vital is the posture piece of it.  If you are doing exercise in poor posture (hunched), you're harming your body.  That is where PostureFit comes in.  Learning where to set your posture then doing your fitness protocols in that body position.  The PostureFit system emphasizes not only posture but flexibility and balance... in a big way.  It's transformational.

NMF: What are a few of your go-to healthy snacks/drinks that help keep you on the straight and narrow?

LW: My go to healthy snacks are hummus and veggies.  Veggies alone for me get really boring but the hummus dip (garlic, sundries tomato, pesto) makes them not only healthy but delicious and a taste sensation.  Another favorite is almond butter and apple slices.  It's a crisp snack with the protein that keeps me energetic and not shrifelly.  Lastly, a breakfast favorite is scrambled eggs, avocado and salsa on a tortilla.  Hardy and light!  My between meals snacks are raw almonds and apricots.  These things help me not to be hungry and yet keeps me fueled for an energetic lifestyle.

NMF: At Nadia Murdock Fit our motto is “Train Your Mind, Change Your Body” so we must ask: How do you train your mind and stay motivated?  

LW: I train my mind by being disciplined.  I live by a plan that moves me.  If I plan on a workout or a meal plan or a run, not doing it is NOT an option.

NMF: How do you change your body?  What are your fitness favorites?

LW: PostureFit IS what changed my body.  As we get older, posture weakness is apparent.  PostureFit defies bad posture and keeps me youthful.  Mind, body and spirit.

For more information on Liz Welch and PostureFit click here!


Training minds, changing bodies!

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