Fitness Files: Living Juice Founder Rosemary Devlin
Have you tried Living Juice? I am completely obsessed! After testing them out for a detox story on my blog, I had to share Living Juice for my tv segment all about detoxing your lifestyle. I love how clean the product is and it's founded on the east coast! I interviewed the founder and creator Rosemary Devlin for this weeks Fitness Files, continue reading to learn more.
NMFIT: Has fitness always been a major part of your life or was there a catalyst/point in your life when you made it more of a focus and priority?
Rosemary Devlin (RD): Fitness has always been a major part of my life. However, after having 5 boys in 5 years, I felt the need to reclaim my wellness and dedicate more time to fitness. When all my kids were in school, I took some “me” time and began daily pilates classes. This really helped me get back in touch with my body and reinvigorated my fitness routine. Now, I am busy with my growing company, so I make sure to take time daily to exercise, even if it's a 30-minute walk or a yoga class.
NMFIT: What are a few of your go-to healthy snacks/drinks that help keep you on the straight and narrow?
RD: I love greens and veggies! I prefer to juice my greens though because I generally do not have the time to eat 6 1/2 servings of vegetables a day! Plus, I always feel refreshed and energized after a 12-ounce green, lemon ginger or any of my juices. I also love to make an Almond smoothie adding a little nutmeg. I steep the almonds the night before, rinse and blend in my blender for good protein.
NMFIT: How do you train your mind and stay motivated?
RD: I keep a very busy schedule. If I start my day off with a moderate exercise and a healthy juice or breakfast, I’m already motivated to take on any challenges. For me, getting my blood flowing in the morning helps to keep me active and ready for the day. I also live by the phrase “food is your medicine.” I try to remind myself this daily, which helps me make healthy, nutritious choices for meals or snacks.
NMFIT: How do you change your body? What are your fitness favorites?
RD: My fitness favorites are pilates with light-weight resistance, center core exercise, slow flow yoga, walking and swimming. Every BODY is different, but I do aim for at least 10,000 steps a day. It helps remind me to keep active throughout the day!
To try Living Juice click here!
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Craving a smoothie? NMFIT has the solution! Check out my smoothie book by clicking here!