Fitness Files: Leslie Osborne- CMO and Co-founder of Sweat Cosmetics

Sweat Cosmetics was a product that caught my attention when I was attending a number of press workout events and needed to look presentable for photos during and post workout. I didn’t want to cake on the make up to clog my pores so I was thrilled to discover Sweat Cosmetics. I was even more excited to discover they had a variety of shades for all skin tones.

Some highlights include:

  • Includes SPF

  • Water and sweat resistant

  • Protects and repairs active skin

  • Offers a natural glow

Continue reading my interview below to learn more about the brand and one of their co-founders Leslie Osborne.


NMF: Has fitness always been a major part of your life or was there a catalyst/point in your life when you made it more of a focus and priority?  

Leslie Osborne (LO): Yes, fitness has been a huge part of my life since I was a little girl playing multiple sports so it's been more of a lifestyle. As I got older, I focused more on playing soccer exclusively which allowed me to get a full ride scholarship at Santa Clara University and then go on and play professionally for 10 years and represent the US Women's National Team.  

NMF: What are a few of your go-to healthy snacks/drinks that help keep you on the straight and narrow?

LO: Apples and almond butter, GoMacro Bars and lots and lots of water! Especially since I am breastfeeding:)

NMF: How do you train your mind and stay motivated? 

LO: My training has changed over the years when I transitioned from being a professional athlete to working a corporate job. I didn't spend the same amount of hours and intensity as I did on the field which allowed me to get into activities that I always wanted to do more of like hot yoga and pilates, hiking and running. I want to be in the best shape possible since I am a mother of two and want to be a great role model. Plus, I love being active and need to get my sweat on every day whether it's at 5:30 am or 8 pm at night. I won't miss a day:)

NMF: What are your three tips for balancing a career, motherhood, and fitness?

LO: *Surrounding yourself with an amazing support system. I have the best husband in the world which allows me to continue to be an entrepreneur, young mom and stay on top of my fitness:)

*Take time for yourself every day, even if it's 30 minutes to an hour. I am a better wife, mother, and entrepreneur when I get my workout in and have time to decompress.

NMF: You are clearly a soccer pro, what did your typical training routine include? Any favorites that you still weave into your fitness?

LO: I retired four years ago so it's been awhile:) My pro soccer days remind me of a lot of running, fitness (beep test, 300-yard shuttles, Cooper Test) with some agility and weightlifting. I was in the best shape of my life playing. Since I am not playing soccer anymore, I still get to be in great shape but in different ways. I love focusing on different parts of my body and I can still get an amazing workout by not running. I just love changing up my workouts...I still like to do intervals since they get my heart rate up and it reminds me of my soccer days:)

NMF: How do you change your body?  What are your fitness favorites?

LO: My body has gone through a lot of changes in the past few years! I have been pregnant twice and breastfeeding two babies in the last two years so let's just say my body has gone through a lot of changes. Our bodies are pretty incredible. It was relatively easy for me to get back into shape quickly after my first baby since I stayed in shape and was fortunate enough to work out every day of both my pregnancies. The best way for me to see a change in my body is really about my nutrition and what I am fueling my body with.

To learn more about Sweat Cosmetics click here

Craving a smoothie? Looking for a challenging workout? Visit the NMFIT shop for the Ultimate Strong workout and smoothie book by clicking here!