Fitness Files: Jennie Gall, of Releve Pilates

Jennie Gall is the founder of Relevé, a boutique Pilates studio located in California. They offer barre, yoga, pilates, pilates reformer, children's ballet, TRX, and BUTI. What I love most is that some of the classes have FREE childcare!

As a mom and business owner, her story resonates with me so much! I had the opportunity to interview Jennie for this week's fitness files, continue reading to learn more about her and her booming business. 

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NMFIT: Has fitness always been a major part of your life or was there a catalyst/point in your life when you made it more of a focus and priority?

Jennie Gall (JG): Fitness has always been a constant throughout my life. I have always been active and love trying new things. I have a ballet and tumbling background and continued both into my adulthood and even after children. Fitness became an even more important to me after a major knee injury that altered my life. The daily pain and challenges caused me to seek to heal. I found healing through yoga and Pilates and I wanted to make sure others could share in what I found. The yoga and Pilates helped me physically and mentally but the helping others added friendship and community. The heart of the studio I have created is a community.


NMFIT: What are a few of your go-to healthy snacks/drinks that help keep you on the straight and narrow?

JG: I am a creature of habit and I need plans and accountability to keep me on my path. I have to prep on weekends or evenings to set myself up for good things. When I am craving something unhealthy then I have a list of things that I can swap out bad for good. It is basically a substitution chart specific to me. When I am craving soda I know I want cold and bubbles so I grab Kombucha. If I am seeking chocolate or sweet then I reach for the Wei Chocolate that I keep on hand. Its very tasty and rich but organic, vegan, gluten/soy/ gmo-free. I also love making overnight oats and breakfast “cookies”!!

NMFIT: How do you train your mind and stay motivated?

JG: For me, I have to be very deliberate to make sure I keep on track. I have to schedule with accountability partners and friends. I write everything out on the calendar and even create what I call carrots (something fun to dangle in front of myself as a prize). I give myself goals and a prize. Usually, it involves some form of pampering like a massage.


NMFIT: How do you change your body? What are your fitness favorites?

JG: My body responds really well to workouts like ballet, barre, yoga, and pilates. I am never bored if I keep rotating around those styles. I love to add in weight training and boxing to help strengthen and discipline myself. Group classes are my favorite because I need the distraction but also the healthy competition that can bring. I also book classes no matter where or how long I am gone when traveling. Before I leave on a trip I log into mind body and find fitness studios and see what fun new classes I can take.

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