Fitness Files: Jenna Wolfe

Of course when I was asked if I would be interested in interviewing Jenna Wolfe for my blog, I jumped at the chance!  Not only because she is a fellow fit Jamaican but also when I saw her rock a fitness segment for the Today Show while pregnant I knew she was my kind of girl! Wolfe has recently launched her book  THINNER IN 30, she shares small lifestyle changes that can add up to major weight loss results! Continue reading Jenna's Fitness Files interview to learn more about her book and how she maintains a fit lifestyle. 

NMF: Has fitness always been a major part of your life or was there a catalyst/point in your life when you made it more of a focus and priority? 

Jenna Wolfe (JW): Fitness wasn't always a part of my life, but athletics was. I was an athlete from the day I exited the womb. I went from being the king (queen) of the playground, to a 3-sport high school athlete, to an avid volleyball and racquetball player in college. At the time I was a casual gym goer (read: 20 minutes on the elliptical and 20 minutes lifting a few random weights) But fitness didn't become part of my DNA until a few years after college when my best friend asked if I'd help her get in shape for her wedding. What did i know about training someone else?? So I told her that if she wanted to come to the gym with me everyday and "do what I do" for 5 months, she was more than welcome. She said yes. What followed was 5 months of transformation. I watched her change into the person she wanted to be (she lost 18 lbs) and in the process I fell in love with fitness. I fell in love with the idea that we all have the power (mental and physical) to change our bodies, to improve our bodies and thus to better our health. We can teach ourselves to get stronger, move faster, and work better… no better feeling in the world. 

NMF: What are a few of your go-to healthy snacks/drinks that help keep you on the straight and narrow? 

JW: Water, water, water. Drinking half your body weight in ounces of water everyday will fill you up, curb your appetite and allow you the ability to find a restroom literally any where you go. Other go-to healthy snacks: Whole grain toast with egg whites and avocado, baked sweet potato with a dollop of Greek yogurt, almond butter and blueberries on whole grain crackers, celery and peanut butter.

NMF: At Nadia Murdock Fit our motto is “Train Your Mind, Change Your Body” so we must ask: How do you train your mind and stay motivated? 

JW: In order to find true success with health, weight loss, fitness, you have to find a plan that lasts. You have to find a plan that turns into a lifestyle. That was the motivation behind my new book, THINNER IN 30. I give you small, easy, digestible tips to help you get healthy and lose weight. Everyday you do one small thing (drink 20 sips of water, walk 10k steps, chew your food 20 times before swallowing) and after 30 days, you're basically there. It incorporates diet, fitness, sleep, motivation and relaxation… If you find something you can incorporate into your already-crazy life, you'll make it stick. If not, it'll be as fleeting as the last diet you tried.

NMF: How do you change your body?  

JW: Muscle, mind, heart. You can always start any big workout, project or assignment by muscling your way through it. When your muscles get tired, it's mind over matter. Think about why it's important and keep going. But eventually even your mind wears down. That's when you call on your heart. Your heart works on another level. It's amazing what the heart can do when called into action. 

NMF: What are your fitness favorites?  

JW: High intensity, interval-style workouts, a new playlist, my grey New Balance sneakers, anything from Athleta, a great pair of headphones, my thin, red rope bracelet I wear with the word fearless on it, a good foam roller, hiring Jenna Wolfe as a personal trainer :)

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Training minds, changing bodies!

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