Fitness Files: Jenelle Salazar
Jenelle Salazar: Get Bodied by J
Jenelle Salazar is the founder and creator of Get Bodied by J. The tag line for her company says it all Eat Clean, Train Dirty. From videos to bootcamps, Jenelle is helping her clients stay on track towards a fit and healthy life. Continue reading my Fitness Files interview with Jenelle to see how she continues to motivate herself with a demanding schedule.
NMF: Has fitness always been a major part of your life or was there a catalyst/point in your life? when you made it more of a focus and priority?
JS: Yes I always liked PE running and doing Tae-Bo at a young age - I just did not know how to eat properly, I grew up on tortillas, beans and rice.
NMF: What are a few of your go-to healthy snacks/drinks that help keep you on the straight and narrow?
JS: I definitely drink tons of water, I love Greek yogurt mixed with peanut butter and granola! Egg whites are also a must, I love eggs!
NMF: At Nadia Murdock Fit our motto is “Train Your Mind, Change Your Body” so we must ask: How do you train your mind and stay motivated?
JS: It's kinda a like a fire burning inside that pushes me daily, I want to live a healthy life for my children. I'm always wanting more... I'm never satisfied,' I just want to be a healthy, lean and strong woman!
NMF: How do you change your body? What are your fitness favorites?
JS: By eating clean- that's number 1. Then mentally preparing yourself to do what it takes. I love doing abs and lower body ! Hitting back and shoulders are also some of my favs.
Learn more about Jenelle by clicking here!
Workout with Jenelle!
Training minds, changing bodies!
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