Fitness Files: Jackie Warner

Celebrity trainer Jackie Warner recently released her book "This Is Why You're Sick & Tired",   something most of us are always trying to figure out.  

The book highlights topics that include:

  • Bad Night Sleep = Health and Fitness Nightmare  (why we can’t sleep and how to naturally reset sleep patterns through diet and exercise)
  • The Fat and Fatigue Defenders (top five superhero diet secrets that the pros use)
  • When Good Cells Go Bad (we know about hormones, but Jackie’s book goes cellularly deeper to determine not only what’s causing people to feel sick and tired but the ways in which the health of our cells influence metabolic rate and energy)
  • The Spicy Side of Weight Loss (which spices e.g., cinnamon, cardamom, cumin that can instantly speed up readers’ metabolisms) 
  • Key exercises for Getting Renewed Energy in Under 3 Weeks 

It was an honor to interview Jackie for this week's Fitness Files, continue reading to learn more about Jackie and her must haves when it comes to leading a fit and healthy life. 

NMF: Has fitness always been a major part of your life or was there a catalyst/point in your life when you made it more of a focus and priority?

JW: 100% - when I was 18 years old and first started college, I moved from a small town in Ohio to downtown Los Angeles and the culture shock was so jarring that I fell into a very strong emotional depression. I’m 5’8 and I went from 118 lbs to 165 lbs over the course of three months. I ate fast food every day, twice a day. My bubbly personality became shy, I couldn’t look people in the eyes, I felt ashamed and tired. I knew if I kept up like that I would not achieve my dreams in life. I stopped eating fast food and I started walking the 41 blocks to school every day. In 30 days, the weight just dropped off - I felt empowered, confident and intrigued with diet and exercise. 

NMF: What are a few of your go-to healthy snacks/drinks that help keep you on the straight and narrow?

JW: 2 boiled eggs a day, Peanut Butter and celery, an apple with free range deli meat. I love unsalted raw almonds with oranges. I love a banana with Greek yogurt. pineapple banana and 1/2 cup of organic cottage cheese. At Starbucks, I love the hummus and chicken plate with whole wheat pita and the protein plate (egg, cheese and grapes). 

NMF: At Nadia Murdock Fit our motto is “Train Your Mind, Change Your Body” so we must ask: How do you train your mind and stay motivated?

JW: I train my mind by always trying to get excited about my workouts. I take classes and do as many outdoor athletics as I possibly can. I change my work out log every week to get excited about what those individual exercises do for me (basically trying to get myself sore!) :) 

NMF: How do you change your body?  What are your fitness favorites?

JW: You change your body by changing your mind. You have to value yourself more than you value addictive substances like fattening, processed foods like alcohol, tobacco and weed. The second step is giving yourself a positive reinforcement for living (exercise and whole foods). At the end of the day, you will go to sleep feeling confident and amazing. You’re one step closer to a happier life. My favorite workouts are the ones that give you the best results: Muy thai, spinning and circuit free training. 

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Training minds, changing bodies!

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