Fitness Files: Ilyse Baker

I was introduced to llyse Baker through 411 Video Information after checking out her dance videos on Instagram I knew I had to interview her for my regular Fitness Files series. llyse is the CEO and creator of the dance fitness program Dancinerate®, she is a celebrity trainer and one of the most sought after dance instructors in America.llyse is the lead talent and sole choreographer for The Ultimate Dance Party Kit for Weight Watchers and lead instructor for multiple global fitness brands including QiClub, FitnessGlo, and Wellbeats. 

I want to make it a point to check out one of her classes next time I visit Los Angeles.  I love her motto "Dance Like Nobody Is Watching…But Know That Everyone Is." Continue reading my interview with llyse below to learn more about her background and how she trains her mind and body.

NMF: Has fitness always been a major part of your life or was there a catalyst/point in your life when you made it more of a focus and priority?

llyse Baker (llyse): I grew up as a dancer so I strived to always be healthy and fit.  Besides dancing, I played a lot of sports and participated in a lot of activities.  I was an athletic kid and didn’t have the typical “dancers’ body,” so at a young age I put a lot of pressure on myself that I had to look a certain way.  This led me to anorexia and bulimia which jeopardized everything for me.  I realized what I was doing to myself was awful and I needed to get healthy.  Once I recovered, I became the healthiest and happiest me. I wanted to transform peoples’ lives through dance and fitness, so I broke into the industry and created my choreographed dance fitness program, Dancinerate®. I couldn't imagine my life without fitness.  I love what it does for my mind, body, and soul and mostly, I love how I can use it to change peoples' stories and lives.

NMF: What are a few of your go-to healthy snacks/drinks that help keep you on the straight and narrow?

llyse: I am always on the go so you bet you will find healthy snacks and drinks in my bag.  I love the following:

~ KINDsnacks 

~ cut up veggies in a zip lock baggy and I might even pack a small container of hummus or homemade guacamole as dip for my veggies 

~ blueberries or a small cut up apple

~ Trail Mix

~ Coconut water or Propel Water with Electrolytes

NMF: At Nadia Murdock Fit our motto is “Train Your Mind, Change Your Body” so we must ask: How do you train your mind and stay motivated?

llyse: I wake up everyday with determination that I will reach my goals, dreams, and aspirations.  I tend to write things down on paper throughout the day, because when I see it in front of my eyes it keeps me accountable to myself.  I also give myself pep talks and may talk to myself here and there with lots of motivation. :)  Finally, I go to bed with satisfaction and look forward to doing it all over again the very next day.  It is a daily battle as "we" are our worst critics however it is all about keeping the positive voice ON in our heads versus the negative one.  Never make room for the negative voice!   

NMF: How do you change your body?  What are your fitness favorites?

llyse: I love changing up my workouts and believe it is important to keep mixing things up.  Every day I dance as it is my first love, a way I can release, feel empowered, and confident. I either lift weights on my own or jump into a body sculpting class as it is important that I target different muscles throughout the week. I am definitely a cardio lover so you will see me in a lot of kickboxing and spinning classes!  In order for me to change my body, I have to shock it by always changing up my workouts and also keeping a well-balanced diet.

For more information on llyse Baker visit:

Training minds, and changing bodies!

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