Fitness Files: Dr. Marika Lindholm

Dr. Marika Lindholm is the founder of ESME (Empowering Solo Moms Everywhere) - a social platform and online community dedicated to single mothers who, whether by choice or circumstance, face the challenge of parenting on their own.  The community aims to create a supportive, loving, and safe network of like-minded women facing the joys and struggles of single motherhood. As a single mother that also lives a healthy and fit lifestyle Lindholm hopes to offer solutions and set an example to fellow single moms that are looking to maintain a healthy life for themselves and their children. Continue reading her Fitness Files interview to learn more about how she balances everything from kids, fitness, and her career. 

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NMF: Has fitness always been a major part of your life or was there a catalyst/point in your life when you made it more of a focus and priority?

Dr. Marika Lindholm (DML): I’ve always been athletic and in school participated in gymnastics, track and tennis. I also love water sports, especially windsurfing but tennis has always been my greatest passion. I played in college and then worked as a tennis instructor through graduate school. Even as a professor, I continued to play competitive tennis in the senior divisions. Then in my late thirties, I started getting injured more often and realized I needed to augment my tennis with fitness to stay competitive. That’s when I added spinning and Pilates to my weekly routine. I’m physically stronger and notice a huge difference in my ability to run on the court and avoid injuries. My five children also play competitively. At 54 years old, fitness allows me to keep up with them on the court. We have a lot of fun together as a tennis obsessed family!

NMF: What are a few of your go-to-healthy snacks/drinks that help keep you on the straight and narrow?

DML: With a business and five kids, I’m super busy so healthy snacks are very important. I carry around plain almonds and cashews mixed with cranberries so that I don’t turn to vending machines or Starbucks when I need energy. Water is the only drink I push on my kids because so-called energy drinks are full of sugar, salt, and even caffeine. Sometimes I add lemon juice and turmeric to my water to aid digestion and reduce inflammation.

NMF: How do you train your mind and stay motivated?

DML: I’m fortunate in that because I loved sports and wanted to excel, I learned early on that hard work and discipline pay off. The hardest part is making yourself get to the gym or start that run. Once you are in it, it’s easy to keep going. I literally set an afternoon alarm to remind me to work out. Sometimes I’m tired and would prefer to ignore the alarm but that’s exactly when I will reap the most benefit from a workout. An hour later I’ve got renewed energy and am ready to attack what I’m doing whether it’s for ESME or cooking dinner for my family.

Two of my children are adopted so I gave birth three times and know all about having to change your body. After the first two pregnancies, I rebounded fairly quickly by playing tennis. Then I had a baby as a 41-year-old and gained over 60 pounds! Tennis wasn’t enough to get back to my pre-pregnancy shape so I added spinning and Pilates each week. Spinning and Pilates are a great combination for building stamina, strengthening the core and staying flexible. Even as an older mom I was able to get my body back to normal and now I love staying strong and healthy. Being fit has a positive impact on everything I do whether it’s pulling an all-nighter because of a deadline or fighting to win a third set tiebreaker.

NMF: How do you change your body? What are your fitness favorites?

DML: I LOVE my foam roller and live in Prana workout clothes. I never travel without a pair of K-Swiss sneakers, a jump-rope, and lots of hair ties!

For more information on Dr. Marika Lindholm's company ESME click here

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