Fitness Files: Dewayne Riggins

ASFA certified celebrity fitness trainer, group fitness instructor, motivational speaker and anti-bullying activist, Dewayne Riggins is changing people's lives inside and out. Riggins was the bullied kid and high school dropout that no one believed in. He struggled with an extremely low sense of self-worth for years. After hitting rock bottom at the young age of 24 he refused to settle for the low expectations he initially had for himself.

Dewayne decided to dedicate his life to the process of change and constant evolution. By transforming his greatest weakness (lack of self-confidence and self-realization) into his greatest strength (today he truly believes anything is possible with self-love).  his work involves inspiring corporate executives, professional athletes, high school students and all types of clients to strive to be the best version of themselves, starting with fitness. His story messaging definitely aligns with NMFIT message train your mind, change your body! Continue reading to learn more about Dewayne Riggins and how he continues to remain strong inside and out!

NMF: Has fitness always been a major part of your life or was there a catalyst/point in your life when you made it more of a focus and priority?

Dewayne Riggins (DR): Yes it has always been a focus, however when I was 15 my mother encouraged me to enroll in a martial arts program. At the time I was being bullied, however, my mother was not aware. This was the beginning a long career in fitness and a way for me to work on my self-esteem and build confidence.

NMF: What are a few of your go-to-healthy snacks/drinks that help keep you on the straight and narrow?

DR: Drink ½ your body weight in ounces in water daily. This will help keep you full and hydrated.  I enjoy celery sticks, salad, fruit and healthy proteins, such as grilled chicken breast.  I stay away from junk food and packaged foods.

NMF: How do you train your mind and stay motivated?

DR: I keep telling myself that I am doing this for myself and no one else. IT is not how others feel about me but how I feel about me.  Be consistent with your exercise. Make sure and do something every day, you will feel better after you do it and you it will become a habit. No excuses. Make it a part of your daily schedule.

Set short and long term goals. Once you achieve those goals, set new goals and write them down.

  • Walk 45 minutes a day to clear your mind. 
  • Take 30 minutes a day and shut off all electronics.

NMF: How do you change your body? What are your fitness favorites.

DR: Be consistent. Vary your exercises on a daily and weekly basis. Make your body think. Repetition of the same exercise allows the body to become comfortable and slows change.

  • Fitness Favorites: Boxing – hitting a heavy bag – 2-3 times per week
  • Interval training. Utilize the treadmill and change the incline and the speed. 2-3 minutes at a high intensity, 30 sec low intensity.
  • Daily walking – 45 minutes
  • Basic calisthenics – push-ups and sit-ups
  • Power walking
  • Running the bleachers. Get outside and enjoy the fresh air.

For more information on Dewayne Riggins by clicking here

Training minds, and changing bodies!

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