Fitness Files: Allison Hagendorf

I was excited when I was approached by Allison Hagendorf's team for a possible collaboration, anyone that has a love for fitness and an overall healthy lifestyle is my kind of person!

Allison is a  Nationally Accredited Health Coach. Founder of Fit To Feast® and Time to Tone.

Allison is also the Global Head Of Rock at Spotify, as well as a national television host/live announcer and music journalist.  She is the official host of the world’s most famous New Year’s Eve celebration, Times Square New Year’s Eve, seen by more than a billion television viewers across the globe.  In addition, she also hosts the newest primetime music competition show on The CW Network, “The Next: Fame Is At Your Doorstep.”  Continue reading my Fitness Files interview with Allison to learn more about her fit background! 


NMF: Has fitness always been a major part of your life or was there a catalyst/point in your life when you made it more of a focus and priority?

Allison Hagendor (AH): Fitness and wellness has always been a huge part of my life. I actually graduated from Penn State’s Scholars Program with a PreMed degree, but opted not to pursue medical school. When I moved from NY to Los Angeles, I fell in love with the healthy living here and became a Health Coach & Behavior Change Specialist, and started my blog It’s here in LA that my focus shifted to helping others become their personal best.

NMF: What are a few of your go-to healthy snacks/drinks that help keep you on the straight and narrow?

AH: I love to start my days with organic eggs and cold-brewed coffee. It's a fueling, clean start to my day and serves as a great pre-workout meal. Kombucha is a go-to product pick for me. It helps curb cravings and aids in digestion. I also try to eat wild-caught seafood as much as possible. It feels great and the clean protein fuels my muscles and body.

NMF: How do you train your mind and stay motivated?

AH: Wellness is a way a life for me. It’s my religion in a way. I think the key is to get rid of an “all or nothing” mindset. My Fit To Feast lifestyle is all about finding the balance that works for YOU, so you can be fit AND eat up life. It’s not about deprivation; it’s about satiation and celebration. I start each day with gratitude and make sure I am moving my body most days of the week. My secret is that I am really good at picking and choosing when I want to indulge. I do not believe in guilt or good food or bad food. It just comes down to choices.

NMF: How do you change your body? What are your fitness favorites?

AH: I saw the most change in my body when I began doing CrossFit and strength training. The only thing I love just as much as feeling strong is feeling quick on my feet. All the routines in the Ab Cuts Time to Tone app are movements that I LOVE for staying strong and nimble. They include a variety of workouts that focus on both strength and explosiveness.

NMF: Can you tell me a bit more about the launch of Ab Cuts Time to Tone?

AH: What I love about Ab Cuts Time to Tone is that this program is for all fitness levels. It's for people looking for that jumpstart, and it's also for veteran fitness enthusiasts who are looking to supplement their already established fitness regimen. The program doesn't require any equipment so it's also perfect for those who are constantly traveling without access to a gym. My workouts in this app are quick and efficient. A workout doesn't need to be an hour-long class! You also get my health coaching that empowers people to make smart choices and keep them on goal. I want to encourage app users to make small, sustainable changes and to avoid that "all or nothing" mindset. With any wellness program, being consistent is key. The workouts and nutritional tips in this app make that possible AND enjoyable. It's about progress, not perfection!

For more information on Allison click here!

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