Enjoy the First Day of Fall With These Fit Tips

It may not feel like it but fall is here, September 22nd marks the first day of the season! There is something about the change of seasons that offer a sense of new beginnings and for NMFIT fall is our favorite time of year.

In my recent newsletter, I shared 5 tips to enjoy the fall season the healthy way! Below are a few of the tips to get you going.

1. Don't hibernate. The weather is still nice enough to get outside and enjoy the weather. With the leaves changing and the crisp air your morning walk or run will get an instant reboot! 

2. Pick some fruit! From apple picking to pumpkins (yes pumpkins are a fruit) there are tons of local farms that offer excellent deals for groups.  Make it a fun outing for the family or with friends. 

To read the rest of my tips click here!

Below are few of my favorite outdoor workouts I shared last fall! 

Training minds, and changing bodies!

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