Eating Unhealthy Foods: Fresh Outlook Segment

This past weekend I was a guest on the Emmy award winning show Fresh Outlook.  I was joined by Health Coach Claudia Petrilli and Cupcake Wars winner Elfie Weiss.  The hot topic of discussion was Dunkin’ Brands. The parent company of the Dunkin’ Donuts chain, has agreed to remove titanium dioxide, a whitening agent that is commonly a source of nanomaterials, from all powdered sugar used to make the company’s donuts.

It brings up the question where else are toxins hiding in everyday foods? Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is in 80% of everyday foods disguised with other names. Another alarming fact is that 70% of processed foods have GMO's. Food companies incorporate addiction into foods that appeal to our taste buds.  We control what we put into our bodies, the best thing to do is to self-educate ourselves. We aren't eating food anymore we are eating food like products. 

With the help of advocacy group As You Sow consumers are becoming more aware of what they are eating and now realize that the federal agencies aren't always there to protect them. 

I asked Claudia to share her insight when it comes to sugar and other hidden ingredients that Americans consume on a daily basis.   

"The ingredients listed on foods are there for a reason: read them! Many ingredients in foods today are linked to headaches, anxiety, depression, dementia, obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and behavioral disorders. Some ingredients to steer clear of are artificial sweeteners such as high fructose corn syrup, cane sugar, dextrose, sucrose, fructose, equal, and splenda Monosodium glutamate (MSG), often found in canned vegetables, frozen meals, fast food, and soups." says Petrilli 

Confused when reading labels?  Most shoppers are! Claudia suggests a few ingredients you should keep a lookout for when reading the back of food labels. 

  • Artificial colors—these are usually numbered, such as yellow 5 and red 40
  • Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) and Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT), often found in cereals
  • Sodium Nitrate and Nitrite, often found in cold cuts and meat products
  • Hydrogenated oils, such as vegetable oil, canola oil, and corn oil

Claudia says "A good rule of thumb: when an item has a list of 5 or more ingredients you should probably skip it. Additionally, when the first item on the list is sugar, drop it. Read nutrition labels, avoid items that are high in sodium and sugar as well. "

There is an easy solution to avoid toxins if this all seems overwhelming, just eat clean! Claudia says include whole foods like vegetables, fruits, grass-fed meats, whole grains like brown rice and quinoa, wild caught fish and healthy fats on occasion.  

This may sound expensive but it's easy to make the transition on a budget.  Here are a few of my tips!

  • Buy locally 
  • Buy organic (still read the labels)
  • Keep a look out for sales at your local supermarket 
  • Purchase groceries from farmer markets 
  • Grow a garden

To watch the full segment on Fresh Outlook, check out the video below. 

More tips on understanding labels : Center For Food Safety 

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Claudia offers one-on-one coaching, online programs, and workshops. Visit to get your FREE Starter Guide and 24-hour Cleanse or email to set up a complimentary 20-minute Discovery Session.


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