Eating Right When Money’s Tight

A lot of people believe that eating healthy costs money, the truth is, eating right can fit into anyone’s budget. Like everything else, the key to success is planning. Planning your meals and preparation ahead of time can help keep you on track and your budget low.

Next thing, Buy In Bulk! Getting your nonperishable foods (dried fruits, nuts, seeds, etc) in bulk can help save you money in the long run. Produce in season is the cheapest, so buy different fruits and vegetables during their peak season. For example blueberries and tomatoes are in season until mid August for New Jersey so buy them while you can! Lastly, eat in as much as possible. Dining out always costs more then cooking yourself. 

4 Top Grocery Store Picks for a Tight Budget

  • Produce: Whatever’s in season!
  • Protein: eggs
  • Dairy: greek yogurt
  • Carbs: whole grain bakery bread

Eating out?

Eating healthy and keeping the bill low can be accomplished too! Aim for something low in calories and fat. I like to get a salad when I’m out. At Chili's, they have a house salad that can serve as a big meal. I get balsamic vinegar dressing on the side and add avocado & grilled chicken for a well rounded meal.

BEWARE: not all salads are “healthy”.  Added toppings like creamy salad dressings and croutons can add a whopping 100 calories or more to your salad. 

Guest Blogger: Brianna Crosby

Hi guys! My name is Brianna Crosby I’m extremely passionate about nutrition and wellness and I love helping others succeed in terms of health. I’m a Food Science major at Clemson University and I’ll be graduating May 2015!  My goal is to become a Registered Dietitian in order to impact overall health through nutrition. Ideally the purpose is to assist others to achieve their goals to live a happier and healthier lifestyle.



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