Celebrity Inspired Super Bowl Recipes

If you are anything like me when it comes to sporting events or game viewing parties you find yourself leaving the festivities starving.  Below are a few recipes that you can create TODAY and for future game day parties!  Celebrity Chef Max Hardy shares with NMFIT easy and delicious athlete inspired dishes that will have non-believers digging into your plate and leaving the the buffalo wings and nachos off to the side. 

Trail Mixes & Snack Bar recipes for both “Game Day Entertaining” and “How to Eat Like an Athlete”

Blue Diamond Almonds Trail Mixes

(Blue Diamond Toasted Coconut, Smokehouse, and Honey Roasted Almonds)

Toasted Coconut

6 oz.   Blue Diamond Toasted Coconut Almonds

3 oz.   Chocolate chips

3 oz.   Pretzels

3 oz.   Banana chips

Mix all ingredients together in a mixing bowl. Place into small plastic bags or in mason jar to keep fresh.

*Yields 2 cups

Smokehouse Almond

6oz.    Blue Diamond Smokehouse Almonds

3 oz.   Sunflower seeds

1 tbsp. Garlic powder

1 tsp.   Cumin

3 oz.    Hemp seeds  

*Yields 1 ½ cup

Honey Roasted Almond Bar

1 cup    Dried cranberries

12 oz.   Blue Diamond Honey Roasted Almonds (chopped)

½ cup  Apricots (chopped)

¼ cup  Flax seeds

½ cup  Coconut (toasted)

2 cups Oatmeal

1tbsp.   Vanilla

3 tbsp.  Butter (NMFIT tip: try Brummel and Brown Yogurt Butter

¼ cup    Brown sugar (NMFIT tip try Sugar in the Raw)

¾ cup    Honey

Preheat the oven to 350°F. Butter a 12-inch baking dish and line it with parchment paper.

Toss the oatmeal, flax seed, sunflower seeds, and coconut together on a sheet pan and bake for 10 to 12 minutes, stirring occasionally, until lightly browned. Transfer the mixture to a large mixing bowl and stir in the Blue Diamond Honey Roasted Almonds.

Reduce the oven temperature to 300° F.

Place the butter, honey, brown sugar, vanilla, and salt in a small saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Cook and stir for a minute, then pour over the toasted oatmeal mixture. Add the, apricots, and cranberries and stir well.

Pour the mixture into the prepared pan. Wet your fingers and lightly press the mixture evenly into the pan. Bake for 20-25 minutes, until light golden brown. Cool for at least 1 hour before cutting into squares. Serve at room temperature or package in plastic bags.

Caramelized Brussels Sprouts with Honey Almonds, Shallots and Bacon

(Blue Diamond Honey Roasted Almonds)

1 lb.      Brussels sprouts

8 oz.    Turkey Bacon (diced)

4           Shallots (thinly sliced)

3 oz.     Blue Diamond Honey Roasted Almonds

3 tbsp.  Butter (NMFIT tip: try Brummel and Brown Yogurt Butter

Kosher salt

Black pepper

In a 6 quart pot of boiling salted water blanch the sprouts for 2 minutes then strain and immediately shock the sprouts in a bowl of ice water. Drain well and cut in half then set aside.

Heat a large sauté pan over high heat and cook the diced bacon until the bacon has become crisp. Drain the cooked bacon from the fat and reserve the bacon. Place the sauté pan back on the heat and add a few tablespoons of the bacon fat and the butter. Heat until the butter begins to foam, add the Brussels sprouts to the pan cut side down. Do not crowd the pan as they can be cooked in batches. Allow the Brussels sprouts to brown well or caramelize on the cut side before turning over.

When they have caramelized well add the sliced shallots and cook for a few minutes before adding the cooked bacon and Blue Diamond Honey Roasted Almonds. Season to taste with the salt and pepper.

*Yields 4 servings


Training minds, changing bodies!

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