5 Spring Cleaning Fitness Tips

Book An Appointment
Have you been to the doctor yet?  Book your yearly physical as soon as possible. This is a great opportunity to make sure you are in tip-top shape before tackling any new fitness regimes. 

Enjoy the Fresh Outdoors
The weather is getting warmer, now is the best time to take your fitness routine outside! Outdoor workouts have been recognized for the positive effects it has on individuals mentally. 

Protect Your Skin
If you plan on spending more time outside make sure to protect your skin with waterproof SPF 15. Be smart and lather up!

Revamp Your Pantry
Now is the perfect time to get rid of any tempting gift basket remains from the holidays and reevaluate what you consider to be a "health snack". 

Change of Scenery Needed! 
Book a trip now! Vacations are not only relaxing but mentally therapeutic.

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