5 Mistakes Spartan Race Newbies Make That May Cost Them the Win

There is nothing like a Spartan Race or Warrior Dash to bring out your inner competitive side. It's also a fun way to spend times with friends, challenge your body and build self-esteem! You will be surprised what you can accomplish after you have completed some of these obstacle courses. 

Unfortunately, if you are new to these races you might find yourself clueless, unprepared and intimidated on the day of the race.  Most importantly you want to have fun and be safe but a part of you wants to kick some serious butt at the same time!  Below are 5 mistakes most newbies make and how to correct them.  

Mistake #1 You didn't train: Sure it seems like fun but some of the obstacle courses are a real challenge! If you have never worked out before now is not the time to start.  Looking for tips check out my other posts on this topic by clicking below. 

Mistake #2 You forget to protect your skin/body: Although we are entering the fall season it does not mean you should start neglecting your skin. Don't forget the sunscreen! My favorites are Sunology and Trilipiderm. Also try having products on hand that can still be effective while sweating, last a few hours and ease any pain like Topricin Sports Cream.

Mistake #3 Focusing too much on others: This applies inside and outside the gym, you are the only person you need to focus on when trying to achieve your goals. 

Mistake #4 You failed to wear the wrong workout gear: The last thing you want are your shorts riding up or sports bra not offering optimal support as you tackle the ropes or dive into a pool of mud. Click below to find the right items for your next race. 

Mistake #5 You forgot to have fun! Naturally, you want to do your best but half the fun is actually having fun.  Try to relax stay focused and remember to enjoy yourself. 

Click here for a little inspiration if you are still not sure about taking the plunge trying a race! 

Training minds, and changing bodies!

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