3 Fun at Home Workout DVDs

This winter just won't seem to go away!  You may be still experiencing  a dose of the winter blues and finding it difficult to leave the house to hit the gym.  Below you will find three of my latest recommended at home workouts that will keep you on track.

Insanity Max 30 

This workout really encourages participants to push themselves to the MAX.  The extra boost of motivation is much needed especially if you don't particularly like working out at home.  My favorite portion of the video was the abdominal sequence, it was a killer! To learn more about Shaun T click here!

Groov3: Dance Your Way to Fitness 

Like to dance but a bit shy?  Maybe you prefer to get your dance on at home?  The Groov3 45 min dance workout is fun and will get you burning a ton of calories at the same time.  The dance routine is broken up into parts making it easier for you to follow and eventually put it all together!


BurstFit Fire

This 30 day fitness program contains three DVD's filled with workouts from Dr. Josh Axe and Dr. Chelsea Axe. Each DVD focuses on different parts of the body that include cardio sequences.  It's a great way to try and add two workouts in one day. I have done the Cardio Shoulder Shred in the morning and Belly Fat Inferno at night. 


Training minds, changing bodies!

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