3 Clever Ways To Make Your Meals Healthier
Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash
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I’m a huge advocate of following a healthy nutrition plan. Without a good diet, you’ll never reach your fitness goals. Obviously, the food you eat will vary depending on your own dietary restrictions, along with the goals you have in mind. For people that want to lose weight, your meal plans will look totally different from someone that wants to gain weight.
Nevertheless, there’s one thing that all meal plans have in common; they must be healthy! So, I’ve revealed a few clever ways to make all of your meals that little bit healthier:
Change the cooking method
First off, you can improve the healthiness of a meal by changing the cooking method. Some methods aren’t as healthy as others. For example, frying your food isn’t the best way to cook it as you lose a lot of the nutrients due to extreme heat. Oven cooking is healthier, but you still lose some nutritional content. Instead, try steaming or boiling your food as much as possible. This helps you retain all the essential nutrients that make your meal healthy. There’s also a cooking method called sous vide, which is believed to be extremely healthy while providing your food with so much flavor. I’ve linked a video below that explains more!
Add in some supplements
Increase the nutritional content of your meals by adding in a few supplements. This can be done in so many ways. No doubt a lot of you take protein shakes. Well, you can add the powder to your morning porridge and get a protein boost. You can add in various powders like semolina or chia seeds to give you additional vitamins and minerals. There are even companies like XO Hemp that sell CBD drops that can be added to your food and provide a few health benefits like assistance with anxiety, muscle recovery, etc. The point with supplements is that they’re not noticeable. They just compliment your meals and give you more health benefits while you eat.
Control your portions
Often, your meals may seem healthy, but they’re actually not. Largely, this is all down to the portion sizes. If you pile your plate full of food, you’re going to end up eating too many calories or getting too much salt in, etc. Likewise, if you’re too conservative, then you don’t eat enough! The easy way around this is to control your portion sizes and track what you’re eating. All food comes with nutritional information on the packaging, so pay attention to it. Weigh your food before you eat it, so you know exactly how much is on your plate and what the nutritional values are. In some cases, you don’t need to weigh it as the weight is provided for you. Keep track of this information in an app like My Fitness Pal to keep tabs on your meals. You’ll soon see all the nutritional information for every meal you eat. It lets you know if you’re over or under-eating.
There you go; three clever ways to make your meals healthier than ever before. Try them out if you’re struggling to optimize your nutrition plan.