NMFIT Weekend Workout: Zumba Step

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I have been switching up my weekend spin classes with step aerobics lately, however today I was surprised with a Zumba Step class. The regular instructor was unable to teach class, the person covering for her decided to teach Zumba Step.  I was considering running into spin class to see if I could still snag a spin bike but decided to stick it out.  I told myself if the class wasn't enough of workout I could always hop on the treadmill for 30 mins.  


Although I love and teach Zumba I had not been drawn to the idea of Zumba Step since it hit the workout scene.  Boy was I surprised, I was able to work up a really good sweat with the added benefit of variety with the step.  Like most classes the harder you push yourself the greater the results.   By adding an extra riser and jumping vs. marching it really helped to get my blood pumping.  So if you are thinking of checking this class out , I would suggest it! 

If you rather test out Zumba Step at home you can purchase the kit by visiting Amazon!


Training minds, changing bodies!

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